1947 – 1966  Ozzie Westley Trophy
Ozzie Westley, from the Miami area, was one of the first arrangers of barbershop harmony for female voices.  Ozzie coached many Sweet Adelines quartet, including the Quarternotes and the Hurricane Honeys.

1967 – 1986 Coronet Trophy (honoring Floyd Connett)
Floyd Connett, from the Peoria, Illinois area, was one of the early barbershop harmony arrangers, directors, and coaches.  In 1961 he became Sweet Adelines’ Education Director and, in that capacity, traveled thousands of miles conducting the organization’s first Internationally sponsored music schools.  Floyd coached many Sweet Adelines quartet, including the Pitch Pipers, Mississippi Misses, Junior Misses, and Lyrics.

1987 – 2001  Jewel King Trophy
Jewel King, bass of the 1951 Champion Quarternotes, served Sweet Adelines in many capacities, including International Board Member.  Jewel was probably best known to competitors for giving the last words of encouragement behind the curtain before they went on stage.

2002 – 2012  Renee Craig International Quartet Trophy
Renee Craig, lead of the 1957 Champion Cracker Jills, is the much-loved retired Musical Director of the Coronet Club.  Renee’s musical contributions to Sweet Adelines over the past 50 years are legendary.  In 1998 she was the first Sweet Adeline member to receive the Lifetime Achievement Award presented by then International President Karen Breidert (Jubilation and the BUZZ).

2013 – Present  The Joni Bescos International Quartet Trophy
Joni Bescos joined Sweet Adelines in the early 1960s and served on the International Board of Directors, the Coronet Club Board of Directors, and on numerous International committees.   Joni became a Certified Expression Judge and was the primary author of the first Judge Category Description Book.   She became one of the organization’s first certified arrangers.  Joni's arrangements are still sung throughout Sweet Adelines each and every year.  Joni coached many quartets and choruses to gold medals, including the RichTones, Harborlites, and San Diego Choruses. She won her own quartet crown singing tenor in 4 for the Show, the 1984 International Quartet Champions.  Joni was honored to receive the Lifetime Achievement Award from Sweet Adelines in 1999.  In 2013, the Coronet Club chose to honor her memory with the Joni Bescos Trophy.