Created in 2011 to honor Marilyn Conlan (Lead, 1959 Yankee Misses) for decades of dedication and service to the Coronet Club.

Inaugural Honorees:
  • Marilyn Conlan – Show Chairman & Coordinator, 60 years of service to the Coronet Club (Lead, 1959 Yankee Misses)
  • Renee Craig – Musical Director & Past Coronet Club President (Lead, 1957 Cracker Jills)
Further Honorees:
(In alphabetical order)
  • Elizabeth Brannon – Technical Director, Coronet Club Show
  • Karen Breidert – Queens’ College Chair (Baritone, 1985 Jubilation & 2005 the BUZZ)
  • Betty Clipman – Queens’ College Chair (Bass, 1980 Penna-Fores)
  • Lee Davison - Past Coronet Club President & Queens’ Court Manager (Lead, 1972 4th Edition)
  • Jeanne Delahunty – Coronet Club Webmaster
  • Jeannie Froelich – Past CC Board of Directors, and Coronet Club Show Choreographer (Bass, 1992 City Lights & 2005 the BUZZ)
  • Sue Hamilton – Coronet Club Show Stage Set Up (Marilyn Conlan’s sister-in-law)
  • Tom Hamilton – Coronet Club Show Stage Set Up (Marilyn Conlan’s brother)
  • Liz Hardcastle – Coronet Club Show Emcee & Artistic Coordinator, Show Team (Lead, 1986 Ambiance)
  • Ferne Hogan – Past Coronet Club President & Backstage Competition Assistant (Baritone, 1965 Shalimars)
  • Gail Jencik – Coronet Club Show Stage Manager
  • Janell Lind – Coronet Club Past President and Immediate Past President, Coronet Club Show Ticket Chair, and Queens College Registrar (Bass, 1983 Melo-Edge)
  • Mike Maino – Coronet Club Show Backstage Emcee
  • Sheila Martinez – Past Coronet Club President & Queens’ College Events Coordinator (Baritone, 1998 Classic Edition)
  • Gina Ogden – Creative Design & Graphics (Tenor, 1994 Showtime)
  • Jackie Palmquist – Coronet Club Show Set Design and Decorations (Marilyn Conlan’s sister)
  • Joyce Rankin – Coronet Club Show Ticket Chair Extraordinaire (Tenor, 1960 Gibson Girls)
  • Carol Schwartz – Director of Musical Services, Sweet Adelines International
  • Armene Walsh – Queens’ Court Assistant